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Army Tycoon : Idle Base pro unlocked

Army Tycoon Idle Base.png

What Is “Army Tycoon: Idle Base”?

  • It’s a game where you become a military base commander.
  • Your goal is to help new recruits complete their training and become special forces.
  • As the supreme commander, you’ll train soldiers, expand your troops, and build an empire of strong armies.

Key Features:

  1. Build Training Facilities:
    • Unlock various training grounds like Target Training, Obstacle Course, and more.
    • Tap to upgrade these facilities.
    • Invest wisely, improve your reputation, and expand your armies.
  2. Rally Your Forces:
    • Recruit military units and help them complete training courses.
    • Strengthen your soldiers.
    • Use them in battles and military missions.
  3. Hire Instructors:
    • Get professional instructors to boost unit efficiency.
    • Command and train extraordinary forces.
  4. Earn Idle Funds:
    • Even when offline, your troops will be dispatched automatically.
    • Accumulate wealth and become a millionaire or billionaire!

Download the game if you:

  • Want to build a powerful military empire.
  • Enjoy training elite forces.
  • Like idle games you can play anytime.
  • Are into simulation games where you build, upgrade, and manage.

Follow Them:

  • Facebook Page: Army TycoonIdle Base
  • Discord: Join Here
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Feel free to explore the game and have fun!

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